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Espresso Coffee Made Easy

Aromo Coffee Limited announce the launch of their espresso coffee pod website aimed at the UK gourmet coffee connoisseur. 

www.aromocoffee.co.uk Coffee pods are simple to use, require no expensive grinder, are perfectly portion controlled, make no mess and are individually wrapped so fresh every time.

Benefits of Aromo ESE Coffee Pods over ground coffee are: 

No mess, so no used grounds spilling over your counter, it’s a simple as a tea bag 

Every portion is exactly measured so consistent espresso results every time 

Beans go off no matter how you store them, but each pod is sealed in it’s own foil 

ESE pods are the best value single serving method bar none

Why is ESE the Best?
ESE only use the finest quality Brazilian coffee beans and each pod contains 7 g so there is no mess just the perfect cup every time.
ESE coffee pods are sealed to keep the coffee fresh when you need it and we will give you free delivery when you spend over £35.

Product options

Espresso addiction "get your daily fix"

A clear golden blend made for girls who enjoy the taste not just the buzz

Put the bounce back into your day with aromo quality coffee pods

It's the best you can buy once you try it you nothing else will compare

Not sure? then try them all with our mix pack

ESE Coffee Pods 

Author: Katie Mae Hewitson
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